A statue to a much-loved University of York icon has taken a major step forward with the submission of a planning application.

The University of York has submitted plans for a life-size statue and plinth of the popular duck Long Boi, who died last year.

The Mallard Indian runner cross duck, which had been a regular sight on campus since 2019, was last seen in mid-March last year and sadly, presumed dead in May.

Students launched a crowdfunding appeal to raise a statue in his honour, raising £4,000 in a few weeks, rising to a final tally of £5,347 earlier this month.


In his time, Long Boi became a famous emblem of the university, gaining global acclaim for a picture of him was posted on the Reddit threat Photoshop Battles. He also had his own Instagram page.

After Long Boi went viral he even featured on The Late Late Show with James Corden on CBS in the USA in 2021.

His image also adorned student society logos, merch and advertising, and he even become an unofficial mascot of the university itself. A campus art trail in his honour was also created.

Now, a year later, plans have been submitted for a 70cm by 20cm statue with Yorkshire plinth to be erected on grass within the Grade II registered park and garden adjacent to the Grade II-listed Derwent College.

York Press: A rear view

The application said: “The statue is to commemorate ‘Longboi’ the tall campus duck that disappeared in 2023 generating media interest. Arranged by the Students Union (YUS) the statue has been crowdfunded.”

Long Boi was “incredibly popular within and without the York community,” the application continued.

“He will have attracted many visitors to York over many years, specifically to the areas where the statue is proposed to be located. It is likely the memorial will continue to attract visitors in the same way.

“The location of the statue has been selected as it is by Derwent College and the lake, where Long Boi priomarily resided. Students/ staff would have spotted and fed him in this location.”

York Press: A frontal view

The application added it would add to other sculptures in the park, and be of bronze to ensure longevity, with materials aligned to match other campus artwork.

Last week, announcing the statue designs, students union president Pierrick Roger, said: “It's been a journey of duck-termination to reach this stage, as we waddled through scoping work, planning applications, and general memorial design.

“Our sculptor, Neil, has been hard at work hand-carving our quack-star to life in the most magnificent way. His dedication and talent shine through in every feather, capturing Long Boi's spirit and essence with incredible precision.”

He added the designs of “the webbed beauty of His Royal Löngthness” showed a mould, which was getting casted in bronze.

Details of the unveiling would be released later, he added.