SCHOOLS from the North- East will take part in a business challenge aimed at encouraging students to consider a career in finance.

The ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) northern heat of the Business, Accounting and Skills Education (Base) competition will take place at Northumbria University, in Newcastle, on Wednesday, March 9.

Aimed at 16 to 18-year-olds, Base links schools, students and employers in a bid to increase awareness of careers in accountancy and develop desirable skills in the workforce.

Assuming the role of chartered accountants, the students will have 90 minutes to analyse, discuss and decide on the next business steps of fictional organisations before presenting their ideas to a panel of professionals.

David Swallow, deputy president of the Northern Society of Chartered Accountants, said: “Not only will the students gain a valuable insight into what it means to be an chartered accountant, but they will also take away transferable skills which will be invaluable in their future careers.”

The winning team from each heat will go on to the national final in Birmingham on June 30.

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