IT'S that time of year when all business owners finally get to pack away the calculators after filing the tax returns, but what about the other forms that need to be registered over the course of a financial year?

Revenue and Customs has been looking into creating easier and more secure ways for businesses to post employee forms online, based on the growing number of companies posting their tax returns electronically.

A record 3.7 million business owners filed their returns online by the deadline of January 31, and Revenue and Customs is intending to extend this service to in-year forms based on this success.

Companies now have the choice to post forms relating to employee starter and leaver information (ie P45s and P46s), as well as similar pension information, via the internet - but it will soon become mandatory.

From April 6, next year, it is only compulsory for businesses with 50 or more employees to post these types of in-year forms online to Revenue and Customs.

However, all other small and mediumsized enterprises - regardless of how many members of staff it employs - must send this information online from April 6, 2011.

This may seem like a long way off, but Revenue and Customs recommends that all businesses start sending in-year information online as soon as possible.

The sooner you have your software and internal processes in place, the less time you will have to spend worrying about any upcoming deadlines.

There are a number of different filing options to choose from, and the option you choose for in-year form returns does not have to replicate the way you send in your employer annual return.

You can choose from a payroll agent or bureau, Revenue and Customs' online return and forms - PAYE products, an offthe- shelf payroll software or an electronic data interchange.

Different in-year forms can be sent in different ways, too.

For example, you can send your P45s using third-party payroll software while your end-of-year returns can still be sent using Revenue and Customs' online returns and forms product.

If you need impartial advice about how this new legislation will affect your business, you can get in touch with Business Link.

Business Link's expert brokers operate across the region in local access points and on a mobile basis. For information about Business Link, visit businesslinknortheast. or call 0845-600-9006.