(15, 102 mins, Paramount, DVD £12.99/Blu-ray £19.99)

JUNIOR risk analysts Peter Sullivan (Zachary Quinto) and Seth Bregman (Penn Badgley) watch with horror as human resources pull aside their boss Eric (Stanley Tucci) as part of a massive redundancy plan. That night, Peter discovers the company’s formula for long-term growth is fatally flawed.

Having alerted senior colleague Will Emerson (Paul Bettany) and head of sales Sam Rogers (Kevin Spacey), Peter and Seth watch in awe as head of securities Jared Cohen (Simon Baker), ballsy head of risk assessment Sarah Robertson (Demi Moore) and CEO John Tuld (Jeremy Irons) rush to the office in the dead of night contain the damage. Margin Call is a taut thriller, with Spacey reflecting humanity in the eye of a storm while Irons chews scenery with gusto.