A RAPE suspect told a woman he would "have his way" whether she was awake or not as she tried to sleep after a party, a court heard today.

Leon Love "wasn't prepared to give up" and targeted another guest after his sexual advances were rebuffed, it was claimed.

The 26-year-old denies sexually assaulting the second guest at the house in Darlington in 2009, and raping another woman following a night out in 2011.

The Teesside Crown Court jury has heard from a number of people linked to both allegations who claim Mr Love refused to take no for an answer.

Prosecutor Richard Bennett described him as "an arrogant predator".

During his opening speech, Mr Bennett said Mr Love, from Darlington, "picks on women who are under the influence of drink or drugs".

It is claimed that before the sexual assault in 2009, he groped a woman in her bed as she tried to sleep off the effects of cocaine and alcohol.

The witness told the court today: "I told him to get off. He said whether I was awake or asleep he would have his way. I wanted to go home."

Later, it is alleged that Mr Love climbed into the bed of another sleeping guest, who woke to find him with his hand inside her bottom clothing.

The woman did not tell the police fearing she would not be believed as Mr Love had been cleared of earlier rape allegations.

The matter was reported when the alleged victim became aware that another young woman was claiming she was raped in 2011.

She claims that she went to sleep alongside her boyfriend following a house party, and woke to find Mr Love having sex with her.

Mr Love denies charges of rape and assault by penetration and faces a trial which is expected to run into next week.  The case continues.