A THEATRE company will hit the road next week for a tour of North Yorkshire towns and villages.

North Country Theatre, which is based in Richmond, hopes to bring to life Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King at 28 venues across the county.

Gillian Howells, from the theatre company, said: "The Man Who Would Be King is a great adventure story with a stark warning for the modern world.

"Two boastful ex-British soldiers embark on a quest to establish their own empire. Michael Caine and Sean Connery starred in a 1975 film version of this tale of contracts, comradeship and camels."

The play is directed by Thomas Frere and written by Nobby Dimon.

The tour will be at Richmond's Zetland Centre on Thursday and Friday next week.

Tickets are available from the tourist information office or Castle Hill Books, in Richmond. Visit www.northcoun trytheatre.com for details of the tour.