My nine year old Jack Russell male has just been diagnosed with iodiopathic epilepsy and has just started Phenobarbiton 15mg 2 x day. I believe that a Skullcap/Valerian combination taken as an adjunct to the drug can be beneficial and can help to lessen the need for drug medication over a period of time. However, am concerned - can the Skullcap/Valerian be given at the same time as the Phenobarbiton, seeing as both have sedative properties.



Dear Jenny,
I could not find much on the internet on this subject,as both drugs have different modes of action and pathways I do not suspect there will any danger.Phenobarbitone works in a therapeutic range for which your dog will be blood tested.I do not recommend going under this level.Routine liver function tests ( 6m to 1 yr) will keep an eye on side effects.

Sandy Edwards