THE latest issue of a magazine written by young people for young people is out this month.

It is the second issue of Yo-Yo, a publication that deals with everything of interest to youngsters in and around the Stockton area, from serious issues to fashion and music.

The creators have worked together to write and design the layout of the magazine and draw some of the artwork inside.

They were brought together by Stockton Borough Council's youth service, and the magazine is proving so popular that work is about to start on the third issue, which is due out in August.

The magazine can be found in secondary schools across the borough when pupils return from their half-term break, and it will also be sent out to youth groups and projects. Among the articles is a competition to win an iPod. Two runners-up in the competition will receive £15 worth of vouchers for HMV.

Yo-Yo contributor Becki Fox, 15, said: "I have enjoyed being a part of the Yo-Yo team and I think that the project is a valuable experience for everyone involved."

The council's cabinet member for children and young people, Councillor Alex Cunningham said: "It is good to see that Yo-Yo is proving so popular that there has been a second and will be a third issue.

"It was the idea of young people in the borough, who have shown a real interest and determination to give their time and effort to create a really professional-looking magazine."