VE DAY was celebrated with pride and patriotism in Darlington as the town observed a two-minute silence and Age UK staged a celebration day.

Darlington Mayor Cllr Gerald Lee led the afternoon commemorations on High Row, joined by Town Crier Peter Stemmer and the Military Associations.

A two-minute silence was observed at 3pm and shoppers stopped to pay their respects to all the soldiers who fought and died in the Second World War.

Meanwhile, Age UK Darlington’s commemoration events started early with a short parade of veterans and the Royal Signals 50 Signals Squadron 37 Signal Regiment along Grange Road.

An afternoon of celebrations followed, with the Darlington charity’s Bradbury House headquarters bedecked with Union Jack bunting.

Local singer/songwriter Hayley McKay entertained the crowds before St Cuthbert’s Church Reverend Robert Williamson gave a VE Day commemorative speech.

Further entertainment followed with acoustic guitar music, performances from Age UK’s ukulele band and nostalgia presentations.

The afternoon was rounded-off with a tea dance and Age UK Darlington’s chief executive Gillian Peel said the occasion was enjoyed by all.

“It has been absolutely fabulous,” she said. “We have had about 100 people join in throughout the day.

“And while it was a celebration day, it was also important that Rev Robert Williamson did a remembrance speech because whilst it (VE Day) was positive, a lot of our older customers do have sad memories.”

This year is the 70th anniversary of VE Day which marks the day that the Second World War ended in Europe.