Drivers in and around North Yorkshire will have a dozen National Highways road closures to watch out for this week.

But motorists will be able to take some solace in the fact that all of them are only expected to cause slight delays, of less than 10 minutes.

The latest expected works list, with notes from National Highways, shows that two closures are already in place is expected to carry on this week:

  •  A66, from 8pm March 13 to 6am April 20, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 Bowes to Coach and Horses eastbound and westbound, lane closures for inspection works.
  •  A64, from 8pm March 21 to 6am April 20, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A64 eastbound and westbound, Staxton, Quadrant closures and traffic signals for electrical works, diversion in place via National highways and local authority network.

And a further 10 closures will begin over the next two weeks:

  • A66, from 8pm April 8 to 6am April 9, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound, Thorpe Farm, layby closure for drainage repair.
  • A66, from 8pm April 9 to 6am April 10, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound and westbound, Browson Bank to Dalton, traffic signals and lane closures for maintenance works.
  • A66, from 8pm April 10 to 6am April 11, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound and westbound, Dalton to West Layton, traffic signals for maintenance works.
  • A66, from 8pm April 11 to 6am April 12, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound and westbound, West Layton to Ravensworth, traffic signals for maintenance works.
  • A66, from 8pm April 12 to 6am April 13, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound and westbound, Ravensworth to East Layton, traffic signals for maintenance works.
  • A66, from 8pm April 15 to 6am April 16, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A66 eastbound and westbound, Carkin Moor to Mainsgill, traffic signals and lane closures for maintenance works.
  • A64, from 8pm April 3 to 6am May 1, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A64 eastbound and westbound, Staxton, traffic signals for carriageway improvements.
  • A64, from 9pm April 9 to 5am April 10, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A64 eastbound and westbound, West Heslerton to Sherburn, traffic signals for white lining/ road markings.
  • A64, from 9pm April 10 to 5am April 11, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A64 westbound, Rillington, traffic signals for sign erection.
  • A168, from 8am April 2 to 4pm April 8, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A168 north and southbound, between A170 Thirsk and A167 Topcliffe Interchange, diversion route for nearby closures.

National Highways is responsible for maintaining motorways and major A-roads, so closures of smaller roads will not be included in their schedule.