A PRIMARY school was taken back in time yesterday as children and staff celebrated the Forties.

After learning about the decade, pupils at Croft Primary School, near Darlington, enjoyed a themed day with costumes and cookery.

Years five and six children started the day by singing the national anthem before listening to a recording of a speech by Winston Churchill.

This was followed by chanting the times tables.

The children had a cookery lesson using a wartime ration book. The potato soup, scones, carrot cookies and buns were then subject to a taste test with mixed reviews.

Teacher Claire Russell said: “There’s been a lot of tasting going on with differing opinions of Forties’ food. But whether they liked the food or not, they’ve all enjoyed today.

“It’s fantastic to see them so immersed and having so much fun while learning at the same time.”

The PE lesson took the form of a Forties’ dance class, which ended in a jitterbug dance-off.

The playground was transformed with games such as hopscotch and skipping and the day ended with a street party in the classroom.