DARLINGTON’S Sports Development Team is running an Exercise after Stroke rehabilitation programme based at the town’s Eastbourne Sports Complex.

The sessions consist of groupbased exercises led by Level 4 Exercise and Fitness Training After Stroke Instructors. An important part of the programme is that exercises are tailored to the individuals taking part.

Access to the programme can be made by referral from a medical professional such as GP or physiotherapist.

Hourly sessions currently run on Wednesday and Friday afternoons between 2pm and 3pm, then again from 3pm to 4pm.

Access to the facilities during these periods is strictly for people attending the Exercise after Stroke programme. The sessions cost £2 per hour, with free parking available on site.

Councillor Andy Scott, Darlington Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Partnerships, said: “We all must take responsibility for our own health and the health of our loved ones.

“Exercise following a stroke has been proven to aid rehabilitation and help suffers to feel better within themselves.

“Our qualified Exercise and Fitness Training After Stroke Instructors tailor exercise programmes to meet individual needs. If you think the scheme could help you, or someone you know, please talk to your GP or get in touch via the contact details below.”

If you would like more information on how to gain access to the scheme, or if you know someone who may be eligible to benefit from a referral, please contact Michael Hodgson on 01325 254370 or email him at michael.hodgson @darlington.gov.uk