A CELEBRATION event will take place in Durham Cathedral on November 21, during which recovery champions will talk candidly about their experiences of drug and alcohol addiction and how treatment programmes have helped them to turn their lives around.

There will also be a blessing of the recover banner, a symbol of all the hard work and determination by service users and staff to demonstrate that personal recovery is an achievable goal and that the development of visible recovery communities within the county is possible.

The banner was created by recovery champions and graduates from the Recovery Academy Durham, community drugs service and prison programmes so that they could march with it in the miners gala this past summer.

Anna Lynch, Director of Public Health at NHS County Durham and Darlington, will open the event. Mark Gilman, Strategic Recovery Lead from the National Treatment Agency for substance misuse (NTA) will make a keynote address, speaking about the recovery movement which is taking place across the country.

If you would like to attend the event, please contact Victoria McManus on 0191 3713545.