DOZENS of people will sleep outdoors in aid of a charity tomorrow night (Thursday, November 8).

Around 60 people are expected to take part in the Centrepoint fundraiser, at East Durham College’s Houghall campus, near Durham City.

The charity works with homeless young people in the North-East and London.

The Durham sponsored sleep out is one of eight taking place across the country.

The event is now in its eighth year but this year’s will be the biggest yet. It is hoped it will raise around £250,000.

Among those taking part in Durham will be four staff from Derwentside Homes’ Community Investment Team, who have dubbed themselves The Chilly Fillies.

The four are: Karen Morris, Susan Gowland, Jessica Wray and Denise Singleton.

Ms Morris said: “Homelessness is not just a problem on the streets of London – we have an increasing problem here in the North-East too.

“As a responsible landlord, we wanted to get involved in this sponsored sleep out not only to raise money for this worthwhile cause but to try and raise the profile of the problem of young homeless people aged between 16 and 25 here in the North-East.

“It’s not going to be easy but we are ready for the challenge and experience.”

To support the team, visit, call Karen Morris on 01207-524277 or email: