GREEN-FINGERED residents have been given the thumbs up from a housing association for their gardening skills.

Northallerton's Castle Close, which is made up of Broadacres Housing Association homes, enters the competition every year and this year has received a Level 5 Outstanding Award in the Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ category.

The close is well known for its eye-catching floral displays. One household won third place in the category ‘best garden in Yorkshire’.

Castle Close resident, Alf Wade, takes pleasure in making sure his garden is one of the contributing factors to the area’s continued success in the competition.

He said: “The judges came twice and thought the street was fantastic. You can really see the effort people in the close have gone to in making the gardens so beautiful and such a success.

“Castle Close has been entered into the competition every year since 2008 and has done really well. Most people keep their gardens nice, not just for Yorkshire in Bloom, but for the standards to be recognised officially is wonderful.”

Laura Waddington, Broadacres Housing Officer, said: “The residents have done a fantastic job and it’s great to see people showing such pride in the communities where they live. They thoroughly deserve the award.”