OLD people in a residential care home have been visited by a reindeer and a pony.

Pet Therapy, a group which takes trained animals on visits, took the creatures to Stockton Lodge Care Home in Stockton.

The idea is provide company comfort to the residents at various institutions.

Tracey Godfrey, Stockton Lodge Home Manager said: “Our residents experienced the wonderful therapeutic effect that stroking an animal can have on the elderly.”

YOUNG WRITERS: Teenage writers from Stockton have the chance to create and stage a performance with professional writer Simon Mole. There will be five workshops, all free, for 14 to 19-year-olds and the youngsters will be able to work with Mr Mole to adapt and stage a performance of his show Indiana Jones and the Extra Chair. The young people will be asked to write about the trials and tribulations of family gatherings and the first workshop will be held on Saturday, January 12. Call 01642-525199 or log on to www.arconline.co.uk

VIENNA MUSIC: Middlesbrough Theatre will stage classical music from Vienna performed by the Scarborough Spa Orchestra on Wednesday, January 23. Tickets cost £14 and there will music by Straus and Franz Lehar. Call 01642-815181 or 01642-729729 to book.