HESTON BLUMENTHAL is back with a new series, Heston’s Fantastical Food, and once more he’ll be tapping into his childhood for inspiration.

And no, that doesn’t mean he’ll be sprinkling popping candy on everything, though don’t be too surprised if it makes an appearance.

He’ll be hoping to bring back the wonder and excitement of childhood food memories and flavours on a monumental scale by super-sizing all manner of treats.

The world’s biggest 99 Flake and a recordbreaking bag of Hula Hoops are on the menu.

First up, however, is the good old childhood breakfast, and he’s not doing things by half. Aside from the world’s largest boiled egg, he wants to dish up a massive bowl of cereal and the mother of all full Englishes, featuring metre-long sausages and jumbo baked beans.