FOLLOWING recent floods David Cameron appeared on television to offer reassurance.

He pledged: “I will be doing everything I can to help flood victims.”

Everything, that is, apart from reversing the savage cuts in flood defence by a third ordered by the Government.

Evidence from near Worcester racecourse shows how a simple bund can save householders from flooding misery and insurers from huge expense.

Surely it would make sense, even in the dire situation that bankers, bureaucrats and politicians of various persuasions have left us in, to take some young people off their paltry allowance and set them to work on flood defences.

This would give them some purpose and a little money to spend.

Of course, these youths will spend most of it on petrol, fags and beer thereby giving the Government most of it back. The Treasury will be quids in.

Failing that maybe Lord Bichard could don his wellies and lead a voluntary team of arthritic retired building workers with bad backs, frozen shoulders, knee replacements etc – just to make sure they justify their exorbitant pensions.

Dave Quinn, Howden-le-Wear.