REGARDING John Armstrong’s attack on John Phelan (HAS, Dec 28) for having the temerity to label George Osborne and David Cameron as “not the brightest stars on the planet”.

In David Cameron’s case, an Eton education is an automatic passport to Oxbridge.

In both cases, Oxbridge attendance practically guarantees a degree.

Mr Osborne has a degree in modern history and a GCSE in maths – hardly the best credentials for chancellor.

I’ve got an O-level in French but I doubt that I’d be much use as foreign secretary.

One thing for sure is that, like most of the cabinet, neither of them have degrees in compassion or common sense.

As for Mr Phelan, if the world was full of more people like him, it would be a much fairer and more pleasant place.

Happy new year John and more power to your word processor.

Dave Quinn, Howden-Le-Wear