WE were sorry to read in the paper of the concern by the Castle Players about the generator failure on Friday evening (HAS, July 16).

It was fortunate that the problem was resolved so simply it seemed, but the professional way that this marvellous troupe of actors coped with the hiccup was astounding.

It was as if there was no difficulty, it did not stop the flow of the play at all.

We always come to enjoy the play and yet again, were thrilled with it all.

Romeo and Juliet was performed exquisitely.

The cast were fantastic, so many young people taking such major parts who were brilliant; the play really lived and we were all truly entertained.

It seems that every year the performance by Castle Players gets better. The originality of the production every year is fabulous and we have to always remember that they are all amateurs.

It is a real treat to be able to see such plays.

We hope that the car that was used to help light the stage was not badly damaged by the bicycle, or Simon Pell may have a lot to answer. Many thanks for a superb production, we look forward to next year.

Aileen Little, Darlington.