LAST month a memorial statue to all who had served in the Durham Light Infantry was dedicated by the Lord Bishop of Durham, in the Market Place, at a ceremony led by the Lord Lieutenant.
It was followed by a wonderful service in the cathedral.
For all those present it was a marvellous, historic occasion.
On behalf of those who had the privilege of serving in the regiment I would like to express our everlasting gratitude to all those who lent their support to the venture and, in particular, to those who were so generous with their donations.
Without you, such a fitting tribute to those who served in one of the most famous regiments simply could not have been achieved. I can tell you that the gesture means more to us than I can find words to express. Thank you all.
Writing also affords me an opportunity to pay tribute to all of you in the Palatine of Durham, from Tyne to Tees who, over countless years, provided a staggering level of support for the regiment.
Your concern for our welfare, your exceptional generosity again and again, and the warmth we experienced when stationed locally were of an order rarely found anywhere else. How fortunate we were.
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery once said of the regiment: “There may be some regiments as good, but I know of none better.”
We of the regiment could say the same about you.
Finally, may I proffer the hope that you will look after the soldiers of The Rifles, who are our heirs, as well as you looked after us.
Robert MacGregor-Oakford,
Durham Light Infantry Association