ONCE again we note columnist Peter Mullen in his usual ostrichlike head-in-the-sand pose, so that he cannot see the evidence, the rising levels of carbon dioxide, the ice caps shrinking, sea temperatures rising, as he tries to persuade us that global warming is an urban myth (Echo, Feb 20).

The evidence of climatologists from all parts of the world can safely be ignored because he knows better. He can ignore the facts that change is taking place faster than on any previous occasion, because he knows, as he has previously told us, that it has all been invented by climatologists to get bigger research grants for their university departments.

He tells us that nuclear power is safe. Ask the French, he says.

Why not ask the people of Chernobyl as well. I trust he will be offering the crypt of St Michael's, Cornhill, in the City of London as a nuclear waste repository, and perhaps the cellars of the Stock Exchange (to whom he is Chaplain) as well.

His column headline refers to green windbaggery. Was there ever a bigger windbag than Peter Mullen himself? - Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.