I WANT to congratulate Maurice Baker for his response to the BNP activists, but he must be careful about the "Chaplain to the Stock Exchange" castigation of columnist Peter Mullen (HAS, Feb 14).

After all, has not New Labour been very generous to some of Mr Mullen's flock? Is not New Labour little different from "Old Tory" today?

As for my Guisborough namesake, LD Wilson (HAS, also Feb 14), he forgets the work of others in Northern Ireland, including Marjorie Mowlam, Nobel Prize winners John Hume and David Trimble, and our own namesake, Gordon Wilson, who was made our honorary senator in the Irish Dail.

It is time for Tony Blair to go.

Let history judge his place among the Prime Ministers of our country.

Gordon Brown's time has come, but he has little to thank Mr Blair for. - Stan Wilson, Sowerby, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire.