THE proposed change to non-domestic business rates, whereby the local authority would keep the rates it raises from its locality by way of encouraging economic growth, has Councillor Simon Henig, Labour leader of Durham County Council (DCC), complaining again that this benefits the southern “Toryvoting”

shires and is horrible to the likes of Durham and the North-East (Echo, Jan 27).

How long will it take the local population, minus the Murton Militants and Easington ’Edbangers, to realise these people have been taking us for a ride for more than long enough?

Like the recent ridiculous claim that DCC was sending our money south to help the shires, this merely exposes the likes of Coun Henig and company as people who have hidden the unpalatable truth from its people – that behind Labour’s spin, much of Durham and the rest of the North-East is on a life-support machine permanently funded by the soft southern Tories.

Rather than do something about it and create an environment where we are as affluent as the South and have the same opportunities, Coun Henig merely wants to continue to be funded by them.

Money is tight. Labour squandered it. From that, DCC fits the saying exactly – when the tide goes out you can see who was swimming naked.

Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland