PUBLIC libraries have for countless years served the people. They help children develop and improve their reading skills, provide the young with access to books and music which help in their school, college and university studies, and also help people of all ages in personal education and entertainment.

They provide an indispensable source of information about local events and organisations, large print and talking books for those with eyesight problems and internet access for those without it. Library ordering facilities allow people to access some of the greatest works of literature and music the human mind can create.

Due to ignorance and public spending cuts many libraries now face possible closure.

Whether it’s using your local library more, raising the matter with your MP, local councillors and political parties, I ask people to do what they can to keep their local library open – not simply because of the services they provide for the public, but because they are a vital tool in the education of the young who are this nation’s future.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.